As of March 2022, the Youthpass Advisory Group consists of the following members.
Institutional representatives of:
- The European Commission
- The Partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission in the field of youth
- The European Youth Forum
- The National Agencies for the Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps programmes in Croatia, Estonia, France, Italy and Norway
- Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
- SALTO-Youth Euromed Resource Centre
- SALTO European Solidarity Corps
- SALTO-Youth Inclusion and Diversity Resource Centre
- SALTO-Youth Training and Cooperation Resource Centre
Nominated experts in the youth field:
- Alonso Escamilla (BB&R)
- Annamaria Cacchione (INDIRE Italy)
- Barnabás Gulyás (ELTE University and GYIÖT)
- Caroline Eiber (Kompass e.V.)
- Darko Markovic (Inn.Side - learning and development)
- Eeva Jeronen (National youth work center of expertise Kentauri)
- Gianluca Rossino (Europiamo ETS)
- Joaquim Freitas (World Organization of the Scout Movement - Europe Region)
- Karmen Murn (Ambitia Institute)
- Mara Arvai (YOPA - Youth for Participation Association)
- Margarida Freitas (Youth Cluster)
- Michelangelo Belletti (Ninfea and Vedogiovani)
- Sari Höylä (HUMAK University of Applied Sciences)
- Snežana Bačlija Knoch (International Youth Work Trainers Guild)