How can informal groups use Youthpass?

Organising a project as an informal group of young people means that you are also invited to work on the Youthpass certificates for your team and for further participants (if they wish to document their learning outcomes with Youthpass, the certificate can also be issued to them). If you do not have an organisation that supports you in this process, these are the steps we advise you to follow:

  • Sign up for a Youthpass account on the Youthpass website. We suggest that the person who has taken the responsibility for your project registers on the Youthpass website as well.
  • While registering on the Youthpass website for the first time, you will be asked to enter the name of your organisation or your informal group. If you implement the project as an informal group but do not have a name for it, then we suggest you to write "an informal group of young people" in this field. Please do not write a name or a surname of a person in that specific field as it is a generic field that will be displayed in all Youthpass certificates for this project.
  • Keep in mind to reflect on your learning during the project and invite your team members to do so, too - so that you can document the learning you went through on your Youthpass certificates at the end of the project.
  • After registering in the Youthpass website and inserting the project and activity data in the necessary fields, you can invite other team members of your project and/or the participants to work on their own Youthpass certificates. By adding the individuals you choose if they have contributed to the project as participants or as team members.
  • When your Youthpass certificate is ready, it needs to be signed. We suggest you to consider to ask an organisation or a community that benefited from your project activities to sign your Youthpass. This way, the impact of your project could be visible on your Youthpass as well and your certificate would have more credibility.

For more information on how to make use of peer support in such projects, have a look at our video (on Solidarity projects):

Kako bismo zaštitili vašu privatnost, nismo automatski učitali video Learning in Solidarity projects od Youtube / Google Ireland Limited. Kada učitate ovaj video, osobni podaci (poput vaše IP-adrese) mogu se prenijeti na Youtube / Google Ireland Limited.