How can I invite a learner to edit their data and write their self-assessment?

There is a lot of value to invite the learners (participants and team members who wish to document their learning with Youthpass) to work on their certificate data. This would give them more ownership over their learning process and support them in describing their learning and competence development in their own words.

Certificate data the learners can edit include:

  • personal data, such as name, birth date and place.
  • project-related data, such as tasks and training activities (available depending on the activity type)
  • self-assessment of competences
  • further evidence on learning, such as links to learner-created content during the project, including websites, blog posts, publications.
  • references of people who were involved in the project and can vouch for the learner.

As an organiser, after having entered the project-details and the individuals (with at least the basic information including their name, surname, country of residence and email), you can invite them to connect to the project. Click here for more information on the connect learner function in Youthpass.

Once you have sent out the 'Connect Learner' invitation, the 'Invite to Edit' button will be enabled next to the name of the learner on the 'Individuals' tab:

Invite to Edit - Screenshot

Clicking on this button will send an email invitation to the learner with a link, through which they can edit their certificate data:

Screenshot of email invitation to edit

Note: If you wish so, you can add a personal message to the above-mentioned email invitation. In this personal note, you can refer to useful resources to help with self-assessment or agree on a preferred deadline by when you wish to receive the self-assessment.

The learners can continue working on their data until they are ready and save their drafts. Their changes will not be visible to you and you will not be able to edit their data while they are still working. Only when they submit their edits, you will receive a notification to review their data. The learners will no longer be able to access to the certificate data when they submit their edits and will be waiting for you to review their data and generate the certificates for them.
While reviewing the data you can accept their edits or suggest them changes (for instance when you think some self-assessment texts need revising). Once the learners and you are happy with the results, you can proceed with generating the certificates.